Contact Us
- Responsable: Pablo Acuña Esparza.
- Finalidad: Contactar con el interesado. Atender las peticiones de información recibidas y responder las consultas planteadas. Enviar comunicaciones comerciales electrónicas sobre nuestros servicios.
- Legitimación: Consentimiento del interesado.
- Destinatarios: NarixaSoft. Consulte la política de privacidad de NarixaSoft. No se cederán datos a terceros, salvo obligación legal.
- Derechos: Tiene derecho a acceder, rectificar y suprimir sus datos, así como otros derechos, indicados en la información adicional, que puede ejercer dirigiéndose a la dirección del responsable del tratamiento en
- Información adicional: Puede consultar la información adicional y detallada sobre Protección de Datos en las cláusulas anexas que se encuentran en
Tell us where you want to go
Cleaning in vehicles
We sanitize all our vehicles between one client and the next.
Hydrogel at your disposal
To make your trip even safer.
Secure contactless payment
Pay when booking or on your trip with your contactless card.
Money back guaranteed
Cancel your reservation up to 24 hours later in case of restrictions.
Comfort and convenience
Take your trip with maximum comfort so that you can also enjoy the journey.
Strict punctuality
We guarantee the punctuality of our services.
Cleaning in vehicles
We sanitize all our vehicles between one client and the next.
Hydrogel at your disposal
To make your trip even safer.
Secure contactless payment
Pay when booking or on your trip with your contactless card.
Money back guaranteed
Cancel your reservation up to 24 hours later in case of restrictions.
Comfort and convenience
Take your trip with maximum comfort so that you can also enjoy the journey.
Strict punctuality
We guarantee the punctuality of our services.
Cleaning in vehicles
We sanitize all our vehicles between one client and the next.
Hydrogel at your disposal
To make your trip even safer.
Secure contactless payment
Pay when booking or on your trip with your contactless card.
Money back guaranteed
Cancel your reservation up to 24 hours later in case of restrictions.
Comfort and convenience
Take your trip with maximum comfort so that you can also enjoy the journey.
Strict punctuality
We guarantee the punctuality of our services.